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UWA Rules & Regulations

Handler Rules and Regulations

1:  The Staff will not job out your character for any reason. So, any material submitted which jobs another character, without that handler's express permission, will be denied. We won't do it to you; so you can't do it to anyone else.

2:  UWA only allows original characters. Any characters who are cookie cutters of canon wrestlers will be denied. No Exceptions.

3:  Don't complain. If you lost, it's because the other person was simply better this show. Next show it may not be so. Ask why you lost, ask how you can get better and listen to the answers. We are here to help you.

4:  Do not use another person's character without their permission. This goes for segments, RP's and anything in between. 

5:  UWA does not censor content. You may play whatever you wish in your own stories and RP's. This however does not mean that you can murder or rape another handler's character without their permission. Please remember rule #4.

5.1:  Put a disclaimer on the header of your roleplay. If your roleplay has torture, rape, murder or anything of the nature, put a disclaimer on it. So people reading it are prepared.

6:  In-Ring RP's may not take place ever. However you can RP inside the building or in the ring AFTER a show if you RP early enough. Just never in front of a "crowd". Those are for segments. 

7:  There is a limit of two (2) role plays for singles matches for weekly shows and three (3) for pay-per-views. Tag matches have a one role play per person on weekly shows for a total of two (2) per team; pay-per-views have a limit of three (3). One from each person on the team and the third which can be from either person.

8:  Sandbagging is not allowed. If you do not have a RP up before the first RP deadline of Friday at Midnight CST, then lose that RP. So, if you do not post a RP before Friday at Midnight, you are only allowed one. Unless your in a tag-team, in which case your not allowed any.

9:  You may edit roleplay content for the first ten minutes it's been posted. To fix color errors. After that any editing of a roleplay will result in a automatic loss.

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